Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

MisuraEmme Design Wonderful Futuristic Living Rooms

In designing the living room, the most important is the aspect of comfort and interior space are applied to. As with any other modern family room design, television shelf bookcase put together with in order to save space as well as an aesthetic element. Placement location of the television and visibility will be the important aspects.
To pamper the body, we usually apply the chair or sofa, clad in a thick sponge and carpet made of velvet so feet stay nice and warm, not cold.Besides the couch, we can also apply a small bookcase that can be attached with a sofa design that we do not bother looking or taking favorite book. In addition, installation of bay window that shows a direct view outside can be a solution that we are not saturated in the family room.
Installation can also stand lamp positioned just above the sofa, while the small table as a place to put a cup or snacks can be positioned next to the couch. Besides bay window, ornament or wallpaper nuanced nature also right when applied in this family room. In addition to sofas, easy chairs can also be positioned in the living room. This functions the same course as in the reading room or lounge.

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